Summary: PCR for Pyromark (50uL reactions for sequencing)
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Next step:
Run 5uL of PCR on gel to confirm presence of band at ~300bp
Submit all 18 samples, sequencing primers and sample submission paperwork to Cassie at Fred Hutch

Summary: PCR for Pyromark to determine if primers can amplify unconverted DNA
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The 733 primers amplify both bisulfite converted and non-bisulfite converted DNA. The 748 primers still not showing much amplification. The 44098 primers can also amplify converted and non-converted DNA. Here though, the amplification is almost not present for either 28 sample, but there is amplification for the 29 sample (both bisulfite and non). I should have run this gel out longer to get the separation between the band and the primer dimer (seen in the blank and oyster 28 lanes)

Summary: PCRs for Pyromark
used previously optimized PCR conditions for primers 733 (56C anneal/3.0mM MgCl2), 748 and 44098 (50C anneal/1.5mM MgCl2)
Mmix prep info here:
Samples were stored at 4C overnight. On 7/10/14, 20uL were loaded into sequencing plate for the Hutch and 5uL were used for running the gel.
Gel Image:
The ladder is a 100bp ladder. The band is very bright for the 733 primers. The band is fainter for the 748 primer and is also subdued by being right underneath the dye front. The 44098 primer gives a good band for sample Ev2.20 and Ev2.29, but the other samples' bands are pretty faint and slightly smaller? than the others.

Gel labeling top of bar: sample number (e.g. 16 = Ev2.16, etc.) The 100% methylated control is labeled with "+" and the blank is labeled "B"
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Next steps: Take 20uL of PCR product and 100uL of 10uM sequencing primer to Cassie at the Hutch.

Summary: Repeat PCR from 6/27/14. NOTE: Used different sample only -> Ev2.24 (@130.37ng/ul) prepped at 40ng/uL dilution with 3.06uL of DNA with 6.9uL H20 then did 1:2 serial dilutions to 10ng/uL
I am happy with the results from the 748 primers. I don't think the starting template amount makes a lot of difference, so will use the 20ng going forward. The 44098 primers are still behaving weirdly. The blank has a faint band that is between 100-200 bp. Since all the reagents are the same in both master mixes, I might assume that the band is from contamination in the primer? Something is definitely amplifying in the DNA wells, but it's smeary. I'll continue to run the gel out and see if it clears up at all. I think I can conclude that the PCR I ran last week did not include polymerase, meaning that the funny band in the 44098 wells was occurring anyway - maybe some kind of primer dimer/timer/... thing?
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same gel, run out an hour longer (yes, it was also dropped). Running it out longer helped separate out the primer band seen in the blank with the actual amplified bands. There may be a little bit of smearing above the main band?, but overall it looks good.
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Summary/Next steps:
I will order the sequencing primer for all 3 primer pairs and run the PCRs at the optimal conditions for each primer pair. These samples will be sent to the Hutch for pyrosequencing.

Summary: Continued optimization of bisulfite primers (see 6/25/14 for most recent PCR)

NOTE: checked dilutions and realized I only loaded 20, 10, 5 and 2.5ng/reaction for this assay
No bands present in 748 lanes. Low MW band present in all reactions of 44098 - either contam or dimer. One thing I noticed on 7/214 when setting up the PCR is that I almost forgot to add the polymerase because I leave it in the freezer until I need it - maybe I forgot to add? Previous PCR with the 20ng condition produced a band, so something did not go well here. Will repeat and include higher DNA load.
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Summary: continued to optimize bisulfite primers (see previous entries in 6/20/14 and 6/18/14 for results)
The band size are as expected 733 =251bp, 748=233bp, 44098=128bp. I am happy with the performance of the 733 primers. All anneal temps look similar so going forward I will use a 56C anneal for these primers. Primer 748 is showing weak bands at both MgCl2 concentrations. In order to ensure the template isn't inhibiting the reaction I will do a dilution of the DNA and run the 50C anneal temp at 1.5mM MgCl2. The 44098 primers are show a very light smear in the region of 128 bp. I will perform a similar dilution series of template at 50C anneal as well to try to improve this.
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Summary: a) ran PCRs from 6/19/14 on gel, b) bisulfite treated the EE2v2 samples to be used for the MBD-ChIP validation

a) Gel
Unfortunately the resolution on this gel is not as good as the last one. Not sure if it's because I only loaded 12uL instead of 20 or if it has something to do with the gel box or the way I ran it. The band size are as expected 733 =251bp, 748=233bp, 44098=128bp, but I can't tell if there is a single or multiple bands. I will use this gel to limit the temps and MgCl concentrations for one additional optimization assay. For the 733 primers I will repeat the 56, 58, 60 and 62C conditions with the 3.0 MgCl2 conc. For the 748 primers there are no real strong bands, so I'll try lowering the anneal temps. I think I'll try 1.5 and 3.0mM concentrations and do a gradient of 50 - 56C. For the 44098 primers I'll also try a few lower temps and repeat a few temps that showed stronger bands. So with the 1.5mM and 3.0mM concentrations I'll do a 50, 53, 55 and 56C temps.
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b) Bisulfite Treatment
followed EpiTect procedure for: Sodium Bisulfite Conversion of Unmethylated Cytosines in DNA (except for sample Ev2.22 where I used the prep described in method for "Sodium Bisulfite Conversion of Unmethylated Cytosines in DNA from Solutions with Low Concentrations of DNA")
Volumes/Concentrations used:
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Nice 260 peaks. The A260/A280 is really high for these samples. The exact same thing happened when I have done bisulfite treatment in the past. The blank was EB buffer from the EpiTect kit.
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Summary: PCR optimization for PyroMark assays (bisulfite). Performed additional anneal temp for primers: CgBS_733_26796F/R (SRID: 1597,1596), and tried out primers CgBS_748_187112F/R (SRID: 1595/1594) and CgBS_44098_295365F/R (SRID: 1593/1592) for the first time.

Summary: ran the PCRs from 6/17/14 on a gel to look for PCR conditions that give single strong band
The band size is as expected @ 251bp. All of the conditions showed amplification with the exception of 1.5mM MgCl2 at 60C. Almost all of the PCRs show a faint band just above the major band. The 'best' condition is 30mM MgCl2 at 60C anneal temp, but I would like to take the anneal temp a little higher and try again. I'd also like to check with Cassie to see if I could gel purify the major band and submit that for sequencing. Next steps is running higher anneal temps with the 3.0mM MgCl2 condition and running the additional 2 primer pairs (also going for a wider range of temps for those as well).
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Summary: PCR optimization for PyroMark assays (bisulfite). Starting with just 1 primer pair and running 24 different conditions (anneal temps and MgCl2 conc.'s vary). Primers: CgBS_733_26796F/R (SRID: 1597,1596) note: reverse primer is biotinylated

Summary: prepare a 'positive control' DNA that is 100% methylated to use in Pyromark assays

Summary: Test gDNA isolation of early gonad sample with Qiagen kit (used day zero female "7.go")
Followed manufacturer's instructions (starting on page 28) of Qiagen DNeasy Protocol (Animal Tisues)
-starting material: 13mg (cut up)
-proK/ATL buffer overnight (4:20pm start, 10am stop - solution was not viscous)
-observed white precipitate when AL buffer was added, loaded all volume onto column
-eluted in 100uL EB 2x (combined elutions for a total volume of 200uL)
Results: There is strong absorbance at A230 (A260/A230 =1). A260/A280=1.86, concentration=93.4ng/uL
Conclusions/Next Steps: not sure if the carryover is ethanol or salt. If ethanol, I need to make sure the column is really dry prior to elution. If salt from the sample, probably not much I can do. I am concerned however about how it will affect the downstream application (bisulfite treatment).
Follow up: Sam ran another test sample (EE2v2.9go) on 4/2/14 and had a better A230. He used ~ 10mg starting tissue. The only differences we noted between procedures is he does all spin steps at max speed and does that final spin step for 10 instead of 3 minutes (protocol says to spin at 20g, but centrifuge only goes to 16g so he upped the time). Perhaps his protocol dries the column better and gets residual ethanol etc. off the column.

Summary: Testing RNA recovery using RNAeasy Plus Mini Kit take 2 (take 1 was done 2/25/14): Sonication and Qiashredder columns.
Following up from yesterday's failed procedure, I tried 3 different things today to optimize the protocol:
1. I could have 'too much' gDNA or RNA in sample, to not overload the columns I used the minimum amount of tissue 10mg and the maximum amount of tissue ~30 mg (27 mg) from a day 0 female.

2. I could have poor homogenization so I tried two different things
a) Qiashredder columns: This is one option for homogenization given in the manual. We have these columns (even though they're old: 2007) so I processed 2 samples (the 10mg and 27 mg samples). I disrupted the samples first with mortar and pestle then ran them through the column (max spin for 2 min). Sample was clear after column.

b) Sonication: Sonication is another option for homogenization given in the manual (even though they say specifically to use Qiagen's TissueRuptor, but we only have a regular old sonicator). I did one sonicated sample with 27mg of starting material (a second day 0 female) And did pulse sonication on ice - about 30, 1 second pulses. The sample was clear after sonication.

3. Perhaps there was not enough enough lysis buffer. Today I used 650ul of buffer (should have used 600 maximum, I didn't read it well enough and used 650uL instead).

Then I followed the protocol the same way I did on 2/25/14 except the RNA column step was performed twice since only 700uL of lysate can be placed on the column at a time.

Neither the 10mg or 27mg Qiashredder'ed samples showed any RNA recovery (eluted in 30uL H2O)
The sonicated 27mg sample showed some recovery with a very small peak at A260. The sample was reported to contain 11ng/uL RNA (330ng total). This should be enough for an RNA-Seq library even if this quantitation isn't accurate because the concentration is too low for Nanodrop to read accurately. The sequencing lab said they have made successful libraries with 50 -100ng of RNA.

Conclusions/Next Steps
The RNA yield is low compared to what the manual states is possible with this kit (minimum of 4ug of recovery). I am not sure if the issue is with the tissue type? I almost want to try the process one time with a gill tissue sample, where we know we get good RNA recovery, and see what the results look like.

In terms of being ready to run my real samples, I am still a little hesitant. I think I have less than 27 mg for most of these samples - probably closer to 15mg for most samples, which may not result in enough RNA.

Summary: Test RNA recovery in the tiny EE2 day 7 gonad samples I have. Using 1 female samples and trying out the RNeasy Plus Mini Kit
No recovered RNA from this test.
Conclusion/Next steps
The troubleshooting section of the manual says a few things could be happening here: 1) not enough disruption - try using the sonicator for 30s, 2) reduce the amount of starting tissue OR add more lysis buffer. Too much RNA can clog the column, I am using 1/2 of the maximum amount of tissue, so I don't really think using less is a good idea. I could increase the lysis buffer volume. The instructions say 350-600uL and I used the minimum. Maybe this would help with that weird thin layer I saw after centrifuging the disrupted tissue and Buffer RLT plus.

Summary: purify gDNA (i.e. improve A260/A230 ratio) using Qiagen MinElute Kit samples for control and EE2 treated pools for use in microarray.
Procedure: starting w/ gDNA from 7/21/13
The A260/A230s are much improved (1.9), the A260/A280s are still good = 1.8 - 1.9
Total DNA for the control sample: 54.04 x 9.1uL recovered = 492ng
Total DNA for the treated sample: 56.34 x 10uL recovered = 563ng
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Conclusion/Next steps:
The kit worked to improve the A260/A230 ratio. The total DNA recovered is at the low end of what is acceptable for labeling. I will send Cassie at FH this information and see what she says about doing any QC for these samples.

Summary: complete EtOh precipitation from 7/19/13
Procedure: spin max at RT 15min, wash 2x in cold 70% EtOH (spin 5min and remove wash), resuspend DNA in 12uL EB buffer (Qiagen). Quant on Nanodrop
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Conc. Next Steps:
It appears that the DNA was still in one of the wash steps/or binding buffer. Bad news is that the A260/A230 is still low. Ordered MinElute kits to try to purify the sample. Threw away the remaining kit supplies from the Zymo Research sample kit

Summary: attempt to cleanup DNA to reduce A230 reading from control and treated EE2v2 pools - no DNA in eluate, attempt to precipiate DNA from washes/binding buffer
Background: these are the input v input fragmented DNA pools from EE2 treated and control individuals (n=3/pool). This material went into the MBD procedure and the methylated fractions were generated from this material. I am trying to improve the A260A230 ratio prior to labeling for the microarray
Procedure: Used the Zymo Research DNA Clean and Concentrate Kit (we had an unopened sample box in the lab)
Next steps: complete the EtOH precipitation

Summary: initiated DNA isolation for EE2v2 sample #22 (day 7 female, EE2 treated). Need additional DNA to make pool for the 'input v input' array assay.

Summary: pos control PCR from MBD procedure 6/28/13, and EtOH non-captured fraction from the control sample and captured wash fractions from the EE2 treated and control samples
PCR (gel)
The methylated DNA spiked into the pos control sample was present in the captured ('cap') fraction as expected indicating the methylated DNA has been fractionated out. There is a faint band for the nonmethylated spike in the non-captured fraction. It was expected that this band would be much brighter, however, since the non-methylated DNA is NOT in the captured fraction, it's ok that the the band is faint.
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Spec of non-captured and wash fractions:
The wash fractions did not have a peak at A260 therefore the samples will not be pooled with the captured material. Overall, there was very little recovery in the washes, most of the DNA is recovered in the original capture step with the high salt elution.

Total recovery for the MBD control sample:
Input: 16ug
Noncaptured: 68.79ng/uL x 180uL = 12.4ug
Captured: 0.947ug
Total yield: (12.4ug + 0.947ug)/16ug * 100 = 83% recovery ~ this is within the range of previous recoveries, again the % DNA recovered in the methylated fraction is less than what is usually found: 7% here, previously found 18-22% of recovered DNA in the methylated fraction. Perhaps the female gonad samples are less methylated than the gill tissue?
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Summary: ethanol precipitation of pos controls and EE2 treatment and control samples (initiated 6/28/13)
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Conc./Next Steps:
Minimally, I needed 1ug to do the labeling for the MBD-Chip. I will have enough to do the labeling, but not enough to QC the sample (size/concentration check) first so it will be kinda risky. One way to do a little QC is to send plenty of DNA for the unenriched 'input v. input' samples, which is the same pooled DNA prior to enrichment.

Next: Run the pos control PCR for the MBD procedure and precipitate the non-captured fraction for at least one of the sample to look at total recovery from the procedure.

Summary: MBD repeat of 6/19/13 - EE2 treatment and control sample
Next Steps: Complete EtOH precipitation, quantitation and perform PCR for pos control

Summary: fragmenting DNA for MBD (processing additional DNA from samples 6/11/13 to supplement the remaining DNA)
Next steps: will use all of the EE2 DNA and 14.7ug of the control DNA in the MethylMiner procedure. NOTE: troubleshooting procedure in manual says to use 2uL of glycogen in the EtOH precip stage to increase pellet visibility.

Summary: complete EtOH precipitation of MBD fractions initiated 6/19/13
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Conclusions/Next steps:

Summary: Methylation enrichment of Ev2 samples (pooled EE2 treated and control gonad samples (n=3 each))
Next Steps: Complete EtOH precipitation, quantitation and perform PCR for pos control

Summary: Testing MBD kit by running the control (day 2 of 2)
Procedure: PCR of control DNA using primers specific to the control methylated and non-methylated DNA spikes
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Conclusions & Next steps:
The results are as expected. The non-captured and wash fractions amplified with the non-methylated primers and the captured fraction amplified with the methylated primers. The next step is to process my samples early next week. I'll need to check before I start and make sure there is sufficient reagents to process 40ug of DNA.

Summary: Testing MBD kit by running the control (day 1 of 2)
Procedure: followed the MethylKit protocol for running the control sample only (DNA provided from kit with methylated and non-methylated DNA spiked in). Stored captured and non-captured fragments @-20C
Next steps: PCR for the methylated and non-methylated DNA. If all goes well will MBD my samples on Monday.

Summary: pooled gDNA from Ev2 isolations on 6/3/13 and sheared pooled DNA
external image 061113gel.jpg
Conclusion: most of the DNA is between 500 - 50bp, but a majority of it is between 200-300bp. I think this is ok because Cassie at the hutch says: 'Yes, 500bp is fine…we just want the majority of your sample to be greater than 200bp.' Next step is MBD, but since Claire is having issues with the control samples, I will run the controls myself first to help her troubleshoot and make sure everything is working ok before I run the protocol with my samples.

Summary: gDNA isolation Ev2 day 7 female gonad samples
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Summary: Ev2 update - sampling 3/25/13/3/26/13

Summary: isolation and shipment of DNA samples from F1 of vinclozolin treated and control parents to Nanostring. 8 Samples total.


Summary: Ev2 update
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Summary: sampled 1 week time-point for Ev2

Summary: shipped T=0 histology samples for Ev2 (see 1/25/13)

Summary: completed DNA isolation from 1/29/13 - note: going to repeat samples with less starting tissue, max amount of tissue resulted in super viscous solution that was not acceptable for downstream steps.

Summary: DNA isolation from male gonad tissue from the vinclozolin F1's

Summary: initiated 'Ev2' trial, EE2 exposure

Summary: Sampled F1 generation of vinclozolin exposed oysters and control oysters

Summary: took a few oyster samples during FISH441 lab today to have in the freezer. C.gigas gonad samples (male and female) and O.lurida samples gill and gonad. The Olys had been exposed to an acute heat shock 40C for 1hr. When sex could be determined it was written on the top of the tube. These samples are stored in the top shelf of the -80 in 'Mac's -80C' box.

Summary: run remaining PCR product from samples analyzed 8/29/12 on gel
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same gel closer up:
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Summary: ABI3730 run at Manchester
Procedure: 1uL of PCR product was loaded into wells containing mastermix of LIZ500 size standard and Hi-Di formamide.
Plate layout: row A: primer set 1, row B: primer set 2 etc.. through G, row H: no template; column 1: Blanks, column 3: 152M, column 5: 152H, column 7: 91M, column9: 91H, column 11: no template

Summary: perform pre-select and select PCR (using FAM labeled primers) for test run of MSAP on ABI sequencer
Procedure: 1) perform pre-select PCR (2 samples: 91 (control) and 152 (EE2 tx)), cycling params: 'PRESELECT' 2) dilute pre-select product, 3) select PCR using FAM labeled Eco primers, cycling parameters: 'TD/56C'. See deets here:

Summary: MSAP select PCR - testing amplification after pre-select PCR using Amplitaq
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The pre-select PCR using AmpliTaq polymerase does amplify bands even though a smear was not observed on a gel run previously (8/7/12). If you compare the banding pattern between the + control (Apex) and the Amplitaq (can only do this for the HpaII ("H") samples), it appears that most of the bands are similar, but they are of different intensities and some bands are observable using the Amplitaq that were not observed using the Apex. Because the AmpliTaq is a higher quality polymerase, I think going forward will give more reproducible results than with the Apex. There is a single band that amplified when the blank from the pre-select PCR was used as template. Oddly, the same size band was not observed in any of the samples. Possibly there was contamination after the PCR was performed and prior to running the select PCR? The select PCR blank was clean. Of note, the Hpa bands are more clear than the Msp bands for this particular primer set. The Msp lanes still show some high background.

Summary: MSAP pre-select PCR with Amplitaq (3.5mM MgCl)
Procedure: performed pre-select PCR using sample 91 (both H and M dig-lig). Previously (8/7/12), the pre-select PCR using Amplitaq did not show up as a smear on the gel. In order to see if amplification had occurred I needed to repeat the pre-select here and then add this product as template to the select PCR. An aliquot of PCR product was used to prepare a 1:20 dilution (in H20) and all samples were frozen at -20C.

Summary: run PCR products from 8/6/12 (see 'Next steps') on gel: MgCl2 titration using Amplitaq polymerase.
Results: This images shows the results of the Metaphor agarose gel (~2hr at 100V). First, I am having a really difficult time getting the comb out of the gel without breaking some of the wells (as evidenced by the overflow). Gel issues aside, the blanks are clean and amplification was observed using 3.5 mM and 4.5 mM MgCl2, but not 2.5mM MgCl2. The 3.5 mM MgCl2 lane shows the best resolution of bands and should be used going forward. The pre-select PCR's did not show an observable smear (not included in image below, loaded to right but all lanes are blank). Since I added loading dye to the entire pre-select PCR I will have to re-run to check and see if enough amplification occurred to get bands on the 2nd round of PCR. If I am able to do a test run tomorrow on the sequencer I will use the pre-select products generated 7/27/12 as template in the select PCR.
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Summary: results of Amplitaq PCR from 8/3/12, troubleshooting Amplitaq results
Next steps: The 4.5mM MgCl concentration is high and too much salt can result in non-specific binding, so I would like to titrate the salt concentration using the Amplitaq polymerase: 2.5mM, 3.5mM and 4.5 mM. I will run both a pre-select and select (primer set 3) PCR using sample 153 Hpa to find the optimum salt concentration. Preparation of PCR's here:

Summary: Repeat select PCR from 8/2/12 that had contamination in blank reactions. Also include a few reactions using Platinum PCR Taq since I'm not sure if the Apex mmix would be good to put on sequences since it has dye in it.
Next steps: I need to stop using the Apex mmix since it is preloaded with dye (also, there are better polymerases than this one, which could also be contributing to smearing. I will re-optimize using the Amplitaq polymerase. This afternoon I set up a few reactions to test this:

Amplitaq PCRs
mmix components (per reaction): 2.5uL 10x PCR buffer 2, 2uL 10mM dNTP, 0.5uL each primer (10mM), 0.125uL AmpliTaq polymerase, 0.75uL 50mM MgCl, 13.6uL H20 (25uL reactions, 5uL template).

performing a select PCR (primer pair 3) with Amplitaq - TD PCR w/ 56C anneal
performing pre-select PCR (using sample 97H and 97M) - 1 batch with TD PCR w/ 56C anneal and 1 general preselect protocol with 20cycles at 56C (see MSAP protocol for additional details on parameters).

Summary: Optimizing MSAP PCR reactions to reduce background, using a subset of samples from 7/31/12-8/1/12. Using a touchdown PCR protocol and 2 different annealing temps for the general amplification

Summary: 1) Test run (PCR and gel separation) a few of the unlabeled MSAP primers with the samples prepared earlier this week (EE2 trial) 1) Run PCR products for testing vtg6 and DNMT primers (PCR 7/31/12) on gel.
agarose gel:
primer tests are on the left of the gel, MSAP samples on the right. Primer test samples are (left to right): 3 independent cDNA samples from dg/gonad, gDNA, blank. MSAP samples are (left to right per primer set): 91 Hpa, 91 Msp, 152 Hpa, 152 Msp
external image 20120802-fieg5saq65b2w1x9screrk2d5n.jpg
metaphorose gel
external image 20120802-r8srt6qt4g7r876t39wbu9bj3p.jpg
Conclusions/Next steps:
The vtg primers did not amplify any of the cDNA samples or the gDNA. These primers have been used in Dheilly et al 2012, so I would like to try this PCR again with gonad sample from a late stage female oyster. It's possible the primers are working, but vtg is not expressed in these samples. The DNMT primers amplified the expected size product for the cDNA. The primers do amplify genomic DNA, but it is a larger band indicating these primers span at least 1 intron. The MSAP samples had higher resolution using the metaphorose. There is still a lot of 'smearing' in the lanes. This could possibly be due to background from the first pre-select PCR? In general, the range of band sizes for these primers is quite large between 2000 and 100. It would be difficult to score these bands with the resolution here. Need to find out if these samples are suitable for CE.

Summary: test PCR primers for C.gigas vitellogenin6 and DNMT

Summary: perform pre-select PCR for MSAP procedure from 7/26/12 (oocyte DNA from EE2 treatment samples)

Summary: Initiate MSAP for C.gigas oocyte DNA from EE2 treatment samples

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Summary: complete DNA isolation from 7/24/12

Summary: initiate DNA isolation for 9 C.gigas gamete samples from EE2 trial, 35 day time-point

Summary: staging of gonadal development of 5 week time-point females from control and 500ng/L EE2
Staged 19 female oysters (11 EE2 @ 500ng/L, 8 control) using the staging of Steele and Mulcahy 1999. All but 1 of the oysters were either stage 2 or 3 (a single control oyster was a stage 1). A number of the stage 3 oysters I would like to note with an asterisk because there was some connective tissue remaining within the gonad tissue and some of the follicles had not coalesced. Nevertheless, in terms of this staging system, I would still give them a 3.

500ng/L EE2
500ng/L EE2
500ng/L EE2
500ng/L EE2
500ng/L EE2
500ng/L EE2
500ng/L EE2
500ng/L EE2
500ng/L EE2
500ng/L EE2
500ng/L EE2

Statistics: Chi-square between treatment =0.2
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took a few more oocyte measurements (see initial measurements 7/20/12) and confirmed that variability is huge. Oysters 152 and 166 are control oysters, all of the others are EE2 treated.
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Summary: measurements of oocytes size in EE2 treated v. control oysters
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Summary: first attempts at measuring oocyte area using NIS elements and ImageJ
NIS Elements

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Summary: measurements of oocytes using the Young Lab microscope and NIS elements software

Summary: Images of day0 histology for staging.
Images histology day0
View more PowerPoint from mgavery

Summary: A) Results of actual EE2 concentration in seawater on select days by GCMS; B) Day zero histology notes

(A) EE2 concentrations in tanks
500ng/L nominal Tank 1:
5/28 (fresh preparation): 350ng/L
5/30 (post-1/2 tank change): 45ng/L
6/4 (24hr post fresh dosing): 25ng/L

50ng/L nominal Tank 3:
5/28 (fresh preparation): 37.2ng/L
5/30 (post-1/2 tank change): 37.4ng/L
6/4 (24hr post fresh dosing): ~37ng/L

(B) Gonad staging of 10 oysters (1 per family) at Day zero of the trial:
NOTE: these are initial notes, looked at slides w/ C. Friedman today, but I need to decide on staging criteria and reexamine
0 - undifferentiated, 1 - very early development, 2-mid development, 3 - ripe, 4-ripe/partial spawn, 5 - reabsorption
R385 - female, stage 2-3 (mature eggs were present in folicle)
R874 - male, stage 3-4 (mature spermatazoa)
R371 - female, stage 1 (very few oocytes in lumen)
R861 - female, stage 2-3
R819 - female 3-4 (ripe)
R373 - male, stage 3-4 (mature spermatazoa)
R869 - male, stage 1-2
R554 - female, stage 5 (possibly spent, in reabsorption, lots of hemocytes)
R363 - male, stage 3-4 (mature spermatazoa)
R818 - female, stage ~2 (no oocytes in middle of follicle, but developing at edge of follicle)

Summary: Quick graphs of sex ratios for day 35 and 42 samples by treatment and by family. Sample sizes vary for all graphs so see raw data/previous notebook entries. Although not significantly different, there is a trend toward more females in treated groups compared to control. Family R554 is the only family that shows a majority of females (for Day 35 & 42 combined: 3/5 (females/total) for control, 3/5 for 50ng/L treatment, and 6/6 for 500ng/L treatment.)

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Summary: Documentation of EE2 trial week 6:
The oysters remaining after the 35 day sampling will be maintained for 1 to 2 weeks in the absence of any treatment to assess whether any molecular changes (e.g. DNA methylation), if they occurred, are maintained after the EE2 treatment has been removed.

6/14/12 - 6/20/12
Summary: Documentation of EE2 trial week 5:

6/7/12 - 6/13/12
Summary: Documentation of EE2 trial week 4:

5/31/12 - 6/6/12
Summary: Documentation of EE2 trial week 3: 5/31/12- 6/6/12, cumulative mortality: 4

5/24/12 - 5/30/12
Summary: Documentation of EE2 trial week 2: 5/24/12 -5/30/12 , cumulative mortality over this period=25

5/17/12 - 5/23/12
Summary: Documentation of EE2 trial week 1: 5/17/12 - 5/23/12, temp change from 18-19C, cumulative mortality over this period =11, no more thank 1 animal/tank/day

Summary: Day 0 of EE2 trial.
Day zero measurements:
length and width in mm, mass in grams. original data sheet here.
external image 20120517-861h673acn2jny8hhe9exanc9n.jpg

Oyster bag labeling scheme:
external image 20120517-fhgne7skr362u359j8kraj6wg5.jpg

Summary: summarize of results for most recent Nanostring samples 3/21/12.

This table is tracking the results of a number of the more interesting (i.e. there is evidence of methylation and/or differential methylation) sites. The most recent samples, tested 3/21/12, include additional gonad samples and larvae samples as we were interested in the differential methylation observed for the hexokinase loci (probe ID: EU342886_1129).
external image 20120410-fqyftdcie7j9f3iebenk4a79uu.jpg

Summary: results of bisulfite sequencing for C.gigas hexokinase gene fragment for: larvae, sperm, gill and EE2 exposed gill
NOTES: see original notes from sequencing 2/21/12. The sequencing facility was contacted and had some thoughts about why the sequencing results were poor (see email here) and they re-ran the samples. A summary of the results are below:

Percent methylation is based on the results of 4 individual clones analyzed for each sample (between 2 and 6 sequencing replicates were analyzed for each clone). For the samples noted w/ an asterisk only 2 of the 4 clones were analyzed at that positions (for the other clones this position either had a SNP or deletion so that it was not a CpG site), for the EE2 exposed gill none of the clones could be analyzed at position 2. For that reason I do not have a lot of confidence in the results for position 2. For the larvae samples, a similar situation was observed for positions 3 and 4 so that only 2 of the 4 clones could be analyzed. Position 4 CpG is the site that is being analyzed in Nanostring (EU342886_1129).
external image 20120302-xrj73y3ibx6qssc8j7359uh4da.jpg
In summary, I am confident in saying that this region is differentially methylated between sperm and gill (and trends point that way for larvae too). Other trends observed are that it appears that the this region has higher methylation in the larvae sample compared to the gill, and that the EE2 exposure does not appear to affect methylation in this region of the hexokinase gene - but it is important to note that the gill sample analyzed was not the 'control' for the EE2 experiment, but rather a gill sample taken at a different time. I would like to get additional clones analyzed for all 4 of these samples (especially the larvae) to have more confidence in the quantitation of these results. Comparing the results of CpG position 4 with that of Nanostring results the trends are the same (see entry 12/21/11) although quantitatively different. In summary, Nanostring results for all gill samples tested (including EE2 exposed gill) had 0% methylation, the larvae had 63% methylation and the sperm showed 30% methylation. It may be important to note that if there is a real SNP in this position (as it appears there may be from some of the larvae clones) it's possible that the %methylation result from Nanostring could be biased because the enzyme recognition site may be absent.

Summary: complete gDNA isolation from 2/22/12; send samples to Nanostring

Summary: begin gDNA isolation for C.gigas samples (gonad and larvae) to be tested in the last batch of Nanostring assays.
The goal is to get additional larvae and gonad sample to test using the Nanostring assay since we only currently have data for 1 sample of each. I will be isolating fresh DNA from the gonad samples I have from the July 2010 spawning as well as some larval samples from the hatchery (4-19-11 155 and 4-19-11 159).

Summary: notes from Sanger sequencing results from samples sent 2/2/12
Results: Overall the quality of the sequences were surprisingly low. I spot checked the concentration of the plasmids on the Nanodrop and they are consistent and of sufficient conc (all between 150 - 250ng/uL). There are 3 sequencing reps per clone (2F and 1 R using the M13 primers). For many of the plasmids one or 2 of the replicates had decent sequences but the third is horrible. Indicating the plasmid is ok and either the loading or the sequencing was bad? The hexokinase sequences were mediocre overall. For the Vtg plasmids there was consistent poor quality. There was only good sequence data for the 3' sperm sample (the 5' sperm and 3' and 5' EE2 sample did not have any good quality reps). Summaries for each gene are below:

Hexokinase: more clones needed but the general trend follows the Nanostring results with both gill samples showing zero methylation at the Nanostring target (3/3 clones) and at least some methylation in the larvae (1/3) and sperm (3/3) at the same site. More clones are needed to see if the trends hold true. Next steps: Submit samples for sequencing again, select final 4 samples for Nanostring analysis. At this point I would like to test a 2nd gonad sample for both sperm and ovary as well a separate C.gigas larvae sample. For the 4th sample it may be interesting to include 1 rep of the gills samples exposed to L-methionine.
Vitellogenin: only the 3' sperm sample had good sequence consensus (shown below). These sequences align w/ what I was considering the 5' region of this nested primer set (labeling problems?). Most of the CpG sites here are unmethylated. *Cytosines are blue, CpGs are marked in purple on CDS - no blue at CpG sites = no methylation* There are a small number of putative 'unconverted' cytosines (C's in non-CpG context and only 1 clone). Next steps: Submit samples for sequencing again. Right now the results are just descriptive so it would be nice to get results to compare to the methylation status of the sperm sample.
external image 20120302-xs54c53ue7c5e7tp5astmstxtu.jpg
Summary: completed mini-preps from 2/1/12
Procedure: repeated procedure from 1/28/12
Next Step: load sequencing plate and send Vtg and hexokinase samples out for Sanger sequencing on 2/6/12

Summary: run gel for PCR screen of vitellogenin bisulfite clones, initiate mini-prep
0.8% agarose gel, see 1/31/12 for PCR
external image 20120201-xqyjissswwewc1eu5asqghjyke.jpg
Most of the clones look good. The expected band size (+vector sequence (used M13 primers)) for vtg 5' is ~700bp, and vtg 3' is ~600bp.

Summary: cloning of C. gigas vitellogenin bisulfite treated DNA cont. from 1/30/12. Today: select colonies and PCR-screen for insert using M13 vector primers.
Procedure: repeated procedure from 1/26/12 (A)

Summary: initiate cloning of bisulfite treated C.gigas DNA for the (putative) last exon of Vitellogenin. Samples: EE2 exposed gill and sperm (see 1/123/12 for PCR)
Procedure: repeated procedure from 1/25/12 here. The PCR products here are from a nested bisulfite primers - see 12/6/11 for sequences

Summary: finish mini-prep of plasmids from 1/27/12 (hexokinase bisulfite treated 4 C.gigas samples). CLC: Started CLC jobs notes for today here
Decanted ~1.5mL broth from each tube into microcentrifuge tube and spin max speed 1min. Remove supe. Decant an additional ~1.5 mL broth into tube, spin max 1min. Decant supe. Follow instructions for Qiagen's Qiaprep Spin Miniprep kit. NOTE: did not perform step 10 which is a wash w/ Buffer PB. Stored tubes in labeled rack in large -20C.
Next Steps: Will clone vitellogenin PCR products (see 1/13/12) next week then submit all the samples on a plate for sequencing (probably Thursday).

Summary: run gel for PCR screen of hexokinase bisulfite clones, initiate mini-prep
0.8% agarose gel, see 1/27/12 for PCR
external image 20120127-mh1a49i85j4jrjidydqmex11c.jpg
PCR screen looks good for a majority of the clones. The predicted band size from the hex PCR is 503bp, plus the ~200 bp of vector (used M13 primers) gives a 700bp, which is where a majority of the clones are (using HyperladderII). Note: I was not able to load sperm clone 8 or EE2 1 (human errors) so there is nothing loaded in those lanes. I will pick 4 clones each w/ bands @ 700bp to do mini-preps.
added 5mL liquid LB broth + 50ug/mL Kan to individual tubes then used a toothpick to innoculate broth w/ the selected re-streaked colonies. tubes were placed in 37C shaking at 220rpm to incubate over night

Summary: A) cloning of C. gigas hexokinase bisulfite treated DNA cont. from 1/25/12. Today: select colonies and PCR-screen for insert using M13 vector primers. B) notes for de novo assembly of C.gigas fosmid reads.
B) The plan is to do some systematic assemblies of the C.gigas fosmid reads (paired end)
General notes: Focus on assembling 1 fosmid at a time first, ignore the paired reads, do not need to trim reads first
1. Started assembly w/ fosmid ..17. I will try to do a few assemblies with ..17 (varying parameters), before going onto other fosmids
2. de novo assembly: fosmid ..17 paired end reads. Mostly default parameters: mismatch=2, insertion=3, deletion=3, length fraction=0.5, similarity=0.8, distance: min-150, max-200 (did not check the 'guidance only' box), 'vote', 'random', minimum length of contig=100

Summary: initiate cloning of C. gigas hexokinase bisulfite treated DNA
Target Sequence for hexokinase 5' set (Cg_hexkinBS_out_F & Cg_hexkinBS_inA_R(1443, 1440))

Summary: Second round PCR and band excision for bisulfite sequencing of portions of C. gigas hexokinase and Vtg genes.Continued from 1/12/12
all PCR rxns run out on a 0.8% agarose gel
order of samples (left to right) for each primer set: gill E, sperm, gill EE2 exposed, larvae (control), blank 1º, blank 2º
external image 20120114-b44axj5rmac63utn247ub5q9j4.jpg
All major bands were excised from the gel and stored @ -20 (Mac's bisulfite box). The major bands were all the expected size. This was the first time these hexokinase primers were tested. The 3' pair of these nested primers showed a faint band @ ~300bp, but the major bands still have pretty good intensity.
Conclusions/Next steps: It appears from the band sizes that the primers are working as expected. The next step is to do some cloning with a sub-set or maybe all? of these samples.

Summary: First round PCR for bisulfite sequencing of portions of C. gigas hexokinase and Vtg genes. The samples: gillE, gill EE2 100ng/L (3), sperm (P19), larvae (control from 5-aza experiment)

Next Steps: Will do 2nd round PCRs tomorrow.

Summary: Bisulfite conversion of 8 samples C.gigas gDNA (a majority have been previously tested on the nCounter system)
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I used the wrong constant for gDNA, so the quant is just an estimate. The A260/320's are low for some of the samples and the yields are really variable. Just to point out, the last time I did this procedure the A280/A320 was ~3 (12/10/09) and the yields were more consistent. Next step, I am going to use some of these samples to do bisulfite sequencing of a portion of the hexokinase gene that has been assayed on the nCounter system and showed differential methylation between gill and all other tissue samples. I am going to do the bisulfite PCRs for the Vtg primers at the same time since I have them.